
Kenston PTO is an organization of parents, teachers, and administrators working together to achieve our mission.  Kenston PTO consists of individual Parent Teacher Organizations for each building:

“Our mission is to encourage and enhance the education and welfare of the students of the Kenston Local School District.  We provide a program of value for parents, teachers, and the school administration in order to fulfill our mission.”

Studies show that parental involvement in a child’s education is one of the most important factors in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement.  We realize that each of our families is unique – with its own priorities, needs, talents, and time constraints – consequently, we strive to provide as many different kinds of opportunities for parental involvement as possible.

Please consider joining our organization and volunteering today!

Megan Hartfelder
PTO Council President

PTO Board

Kenston PTO Council

  • President – Megan Hartfelder
  • Vice President – Laryn Koenig
  • Secretary – Traci Felton
  • Treasurer – Shannan Holodinski

Building PTO Board Members

  • Timmons Elementary
  • Kenston Intermediate School
  • Kenston Middle School
  • Kenston High School

Community Collaboration

The Kenston PTO serves over 2000 families in the Bainbridge and Auburn communities. Our organization supports our district staff and students by hosting a variety of programs and events throughout the school year. Our program’s success depends largely on building relationships with our community. We are reaching out to local businesses to gauge interest in partnering with the Kenston PTO to help make our programs successful.

Taking the survey below will allow our volunteer teams to connect with your company in a way that is efficient, practical and beneficial for all parties. Your company can support the PTO by donating funds, materials, services or time. In return, we believe we have several opportunities in which to showcase your businesses offerings.

Fill Out the Survey

Kenston PTO By-Laws

Kenston Parent Teacher Organization BY-LAWS
Presented by PTO Council

Kenston PTO is comprised of PTO Council and all building PTOs in the Kenston Local School District including, but not limited to, Kenston High School, Kenston Middle School, Kenston Intermediate School and Timmons Elementary School.

The Kenston PTO By-Laws are to be used by all building PTOs in the Kenston Local School District.

Kenston_PTO By-Laws

PTO Events

Stay up to date with the latest Kenston PTO events.