OPINION: The Hub, More Than Just a Library

By Alyssa Svoboda | Bomber Media 

The Kenston High School library, also known as The Hub, is known for holding classes and as a place to do homework or grab a book, but it is also a safe space where anyone can go.

I was first introduced to The Hub when I had Digital Media and Communication in my first semester of junior year. That same year I decided to take an online course in the spring, which I took in The Hub, and ever since then, I have practically lived in The Hub.

With the amount of time I spend in The Hub on a daily basis, I have learned more about myself and developed numerous relationships with the people around me.  

I feel that it is somewhere I can go when I want to be somewhere quiet, need to get work done, need someone to talk to, or even just need to be alone.

The Hub is my room away from home—it is my safe space where I can be with the people that I care about and just be myself. 

The Hub helped me find who my true friends are and who I truly am. I found out what I like to do and I found out how to be myself. The Hub gave me a voice. 

While in The Hub, I have developed many friendships with former KHS students whom I’m still friends with to this day. I have also developed relationships with the teachers in The Hub. They are always people I can go to whether I need help with school or just need to talk to someone.

The Hub is a safe place that anyone can go to no matter if they have a class there or just want somewhere to take a break. When I am sitting in the Hub during lunch, I see more and more people coming to eat lunch there as well. I hear laughing coming from all over and feel the happiness radiate from everyone. The Hub is a home to many people, including myself.

The Hub has become a safe place for many students by providing quiet areas, places to relax, someone to talk to, or even new friends.

I am looking forward to continuing being a part of The Hub and all of the classes that I will be taking there until I graduate. 

I love The Hub and everything it has to offer. It will always have my heart and I will never forget all of the amazing memories and amazing people I have met there.▮

Alyssa Svoboda  is a multimedia reporter for Bomber Media and a senior at Kenston High School.