KHS Students Share Stories with TES Classes

By Brooke Davidson | Bomber Media

Students from KHS have been reading children’s books based on social justice topics to Timmons Elementary students over the past few weeks and will continue doing so through December.

This program is held over Google Meet, connecting high school and elementary students while still meeting the district’s Covid guidelines. 

Members of the Students for Social Justice club started this program last year in order to instill ideas of equality at a young age. 

“The only way to start change is to start when people are young and to create that acceptance that we all strive for,” said senior Hayley Sharp, a member of the Students for Social Justice club.

This program not only benefits the Timmons students by showing them cultural and social struggles, but also encourages high schoolers to share topics they are passionate about and improve their public speaking.  

“Books present mirrors and windows; windows to see how someone else lives and mirrors for some of those kids to see, ‘This is my story,’” said Mrs. Bev Buettner, the club advisor and KHS librarian. 

All of the books are focused on equality and have been provided by the Kenston Library, the Timmons Library, and The Geauga Public Library.

All interactions between elementary classrooms and high schoolers have been held online since this program was started amidst Covid restrictions, but participants have hope that in-person reading could become a reality in the future.  

If interested, please contact Mrs. Buettner to schedule a time and pick a book. All students are welcome and encouraged to join and to bring light to issues of social justice through reading.▮


Brooke Davidson is a multimedia reporter for Bomber Media and a sophomore at Kenston High School.