KHS Holds Entrepreneurship Speaker Event

By Mikey Surtel | Bomber Media

The KHS business department hosted a career speaker event focusing on entrepreneurship on Wednesday.

Students had the opportunity to listen and ask questions to local and professional business owners.

“I really liked listening to Mr. Breeden talk and just hearing about how he’s super interested in product development and kind of like the more marketing side of things because that’s kind of the direction I think I could see myself taking,” said junior Hadleigh Schmittel. “And then also talking to Mrs. Krebs as she was a female perspective and kind of being able to relate to her.”

The guest speaker event was the first one held at Kenston since the series was put on pause due to COVID.

“I think if people are in like similar interests of careers that the presenters are going to be in, then I think it was very helpful to learn from people who succeeded,” said senior Josue Rios.

The event also provided a way for students to network and gain experience in the field through connecting with professionals.

KHS students attended a career speaker event focused on entrepreneurship on Feb. 22, 2023. (Bomber Media)


The three panelists were Jim Guddy, managing partner at Watervale Equity Partners; Winston H. Breeden III, founder and owner of Winston Products, LLC; and Kasey Krebs, managing director and owner of KAK Industrial Supplies, LLC.

“As a panelist, I think it’s important to to give back. I’d like to do this as much as I can and help out as much as I can and give back. I’ve been fortunate and I really enjoy seeing the growth of a young entrepreneur in that spirit,” said panelist Winston H. Breeden III. “I was encouraged about how many kids came up to ask different types of questions.”

In addition to hearing the panelist speak, students were able to network with the professionals. (Bomber Media)


The panelists shared their backgrounds and words of advice for students.

“I think the big lesson is that as an entrepreneur, you really got to take the risk on yourself. You’ve got to be willing and believe in yourself and it’s not for the faint of heart. It’s a high risk game and you got to have the stomach for it, and if you believe in yourself, go for it because there’s nothing better,” said Breeden.

The full speaker event can be seen here.∎


Mikey Surtel is a multimedia reporter for Bomber Media and a senior at Kenston High School.