Kenston Students Aim to End Distracted Driving

Two Kenston High School seniors created a social media campaign to be shared with their classmates during the week of March 20-24 in an effort to end distracted driving.

Skylar Pagon and Lily Tatara created the campaign, which includes a 30 second PSA as well as various graphics that will be posted on social media and printed as posters to be displayed in the school’s hallway, as an assignment in their digital media course in the fall. 

The PSA features Pagon as an angel and Tatara as a devil who are trying to influence a teen driver played by junior Erin McFadden. 

“We tried to create a unique concept that avoided the run of the mill buckle-up ad,” said Pagon.

The social media posts follow the same theme and include images and illustrations of the three characters as well as statistics to encourage KHS student-drivers to put down their cell phones while driving, wear their seatbelts, and understand that their passengers may distract them from their main objective: arriving at their destination safely. 

The week-long campaign will include the 30 second PSA, graphics posted on social media throughout the week, posters of the social media posts printed and placed in the hallways, announcements read daily on the morning PA announcements, and statistics and reminders posted on the student home page.

The final products will be entered in Impact Teen Drivers and NJM Insurance Group’s Just Drive Contest, a competition offering cash prizes and open to students in Connecticut, Maryland, and Ohio. Winners will be announced in May.▮