Bomber Media Reflection: Micah Greenberg

Micah Greenberg

Courses: Digital Media & Communication, Multimedia Journalism, Advanced Media

A prolific contributor to the Bomber Media program, Micah Greenberg showed outstanding leadership and produced some of the most polished and engaging content we have ever posted. A Swiss Army knife of media production skills, Micah can do it all: shoot, edit, write, and appear on camera. He has pushed the program forward and his impact will be felt even after he graduates.

Below is his reflection on his involvement with Bomber Media as well as some of his best work.

Journalism is a skill. Journalism is an art. To some, journalism is a superpower. As defined by the American Press Institute, journalism is “the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information.” It plays a central role in the conservation of democratic society— it informs citizens about the actions of their government and allows them to take a stand against injustice.

In addition to protecting democracy, however, journalism also brings people together. In my opinion, journalism is synonymous with storytelling. Any English or history teacher would agree that the sharing of stories connects people with their communities; it brings them together.

Taking multimedia classes with Mr. Novak doesn’t just teach a student how to tell a story. Rather, my time in The Hub has enabled me to share the thoughts and stories I believe the world deserves to hear. It has provided me with the necessary skills and resources to organize my ideas and turn them into real, tangible, finished products. 

The Haunting of Squire’s Castle

Finally, these classes have empowered me to pursue my own interests. Sitting at a design computer, standing behind a camera, or reading off of a teleprompter, I’ve discovered many of my strengths through real-world experience. As I enter the next chapter of my life, I plan on utilizing all the skills I’ve obtained through Bomber Media, building a career around the opportunities I’ve received in the last year.

Throughout my time in Bomber Media, I am most proud of the unique stories I’ve contributed. I’ve used journalism as a medium to express my creative visions, constructing interesting, entertaining, and compelling stories for the Kenston community to consume. Rather than simply telling stories, I’ve attempted to breathe personality and life into them. I try to craft stories that practically beg to be watched, reeling in its audience and capturing their attention with appealing visuals and engaging content. 

The Rundown | Feb. 11, 2022

Without the assistance of Mr. Novak and Bomber Media, I don’t think I would’ve accomplished nearly as much as I have during my four years at Kenston High School. 

Telling stories is a superpower. It takes thought, skill, time, and most of all, effort. To any of my readers who dream of being a storyteller: 

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Here at Kenston, you’re provided the support and resources you need to follow your dreams. Take Multimedia Journalism. Take Digital Media and Communications. Take a chance and share the stories that deserve to be heard.▮