Bomber Media Reflection: Luke Dunnam

Luke Dunnam

Courses: Multimedia Journalism, Advanced Media

Though Luke Dunnam did not take a media class until his senior year, he quickly found a home in The Hub. He produced a lot of impressive work this school year and proved to be the glue that helped keep everything together. When something needed to be done ASAP, someone needed something proofread, or somebody needed a hand — Luke always stepped up and made sure things got done. Luke was frequently working on something in The Hub before school and grabbing some gear to go out and shoot something after school. Most importantly, his wide-medium-tight sequence of a tree will be used as an example for years to come. 

Below is his reflection on his involvement with Bomber Media as well as some of his best work.

Before taking a media class, I knew nothing about filming or editing. The first week of multimedia journalism with Mr. Novak, he told us he would throw us into the deep end and hope we swam. I am glad he took this approach to teaching because it allowed me to figure out my style of video editing as I progressed through the course. After completing multimedia journalism, I knew I wanted to continue filming and editing, so I enrolled in advanced media. I now feel confident in my video editing capabilities, and I am proud of how vastly my productions have improved since last August.

Bus Driver Shortage Impacting Kenston Schools

My favorite part about the classes was the collaboration with my friends. Even though we had to do work outside of school for the class, I was always having fun filming or editing videos around my friends. It’s really cool to be in a room with your friends all working on video projects where you can check in with everyone to see what they’re working on or if they are using a different editing technique that could be helpful to your own project.

Go Outside

DeJarnette Continues Family Basketball Legacy

The best news story I created was probably my highlight story featuring the DeJarnettes. The story did well on social media and highlighted two deserving figures in the community.

Distractions Become Habits. It Can Wait.

While not news related, my favorite video production was a PSA about distracted driving. Jenny Kapcio and I both had a vision for the project that did not quite make sense to everyone else, but we decided to stick to our idea and begin filming. After we captured all the footage, I began editing the project to fit our vision. In the end, Jenny and I both liked the finished product, and I think the message is powerful especially because the intended audience is our same age group.▮