Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee (KCAC)


The purpose of KCAC is to serve as a conduit between the Kenston Board of Education and the Kenston Community by communicating, researching and providing education on strategic matters.


Corrie Menary, Chair
Allison Kure, Vice Chair
Jennifer Stice, Secretary
Mary Francis LaGanke
Alyssa Swiatek

Beth Krause, Ph.D, Board Representative
Dennis Bergansky, Board Representative

Seeking New Members


Monday, March 9
Monday, April 6
held at Gardiner Center, 9421 Bainbridge Road

Community Survey

In 2018, Kenston Citizens Advisory Council created and administered the first annual Community Survey.  Over 700 members of the community participated in the survey and provided valuable feedback as we work towards common goals and purpose.  The district is always working to address areas for improvement and capitalize on our success.  The second survey was shared with the community in late Summer 2019.

2019 KCAC Survey presentation to the Board of Education

2018 KCAC Community Survey presentation to the Board of Education

2018 KCAC Survey Summary



Vision Statement of the Kenston Local School District (excerpt)
The Kenston Local School District believes that to sustain and exceed its exemplary status, there must be a clear sense of goals in which all stakeholders have an investment. In order to transform ideals into reality, the following excerpt from the Vision Statement regarding community partnerships is intended to provide the standards that the Kenston Local School District shall strive to achieve and continuously seek to improve.

Community Partnerships
An exemplary school district is committed to establishing and maintaining effective partnerships with its community – parents, residents, businesses, government agencies and other educational systems. It continuously develops the community’s allegiance, ownership and support.

At the November 20, 2006 meeting of the Kenston Board of Education, Jerry Moreno moved and Joan Hamilton seconded a motion to create the Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee (KCAC).

All members of the board voted yes: Joan Hamilton, Ralph Hastings, Jerry Moreno, Anne Randall and Bill Timmons.

1. Creation and Overall Purpose:

One of the primary responsibilities of the Kenston Board of Education (KBOE) is to maintain the fiscal integrity of the school district while meeting the academic needs of the district. In light of Kenston’s Vision Statement regarding Community Partnerships, the KBOE created the Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee (KCAC) whose overall purpose is to provide input to the Kenston Board of Education on matters financial and otherwise, as seen from the Kenston community’s perspective.

II. Responsibilities:

Develop processes and procedures for obtaining community input on district matters. Serve as a working committee to study needed programs and services of the district. Interpret the concerns of the public about Kenston to KBOE and interpret to the public the goals and needs of the system. With regard to financial topics, develop and submit suggestions to the Board to assist the communications and understanding of the district’s financial condition to and by the community and state legislators.

Study school matters as determined appropriate by KCAC and KBOE.

III. Membership

Members of the Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee are selected by the Kenston Board of Education through an application process, KCAC consists of eleven (11) members:  two (2) members of the Board of Education and nine (9)** members who are residents of the Kenston community.

IV. Length of Term:

The length of term for community members is three calendar years with possible reappointment for a maximum of two consecutive terms. Initially, the terms of the community members are: three members for one year, three members for two years and three members for three years, so to create staggered terms thereafter.  **All terms after the initial term will be deemed to be three-year terms.

V. Meetings:

The Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee will meet at least four times a year with at least one meeting quarterly. A quorum is a majority of the KCAC membership. When a quorum exists, a majority of those present and voting may act. All members have equal voting rights. All meetings are to be conducted according to general parliamentary procedure as outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order.

VI. Officers:

The Kenston Citizens Advisory Committee will choose a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary annually from its community members. The Chair may not serve in that capacity for more than three years.

  • The Chair presides at all KCAC meetings and serves as the official spokesperson for the committee.
  • The Vice Chair carries out the duties of the Chair whenever the Chair is unable to do so.
  • The Secretary records all proceedings of the committee and prepares official correspondence as necessary.

VII. Ad Hoc Committees:

Ad hoc committees for special purposes may be appointed by KCAC as needed. Members of the ad hoc committee are chosen by KCAC.

VIII. Review:

The purpose and responsibilities of KCAC are to be reviewed annually by KBOE and KCAC for the purpose of improving the functioning and effectiveness of the committee.

Mission – 11/2009
Officers – 12/2009
*Membership – 1/2016
** Membership/Length of Terms – 3/2018