KIS Updates 9.21.20

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all of the KIS families, students, and staff for all your efforts to make the start of the 2020-2021 school a success. We are all adjusting to the new policies and procedures that this school year brings and we appreciate everyone working together to provide a safe and productive environment at KIS. Please see the updates below with important information regarding International Peace Day and Start With Hello Week, along with a few other updates on Arrival and Attendance.

International Peace Day

Monday, September 21, 2020
International Peace Day is observed around the world on September 21st. It was started in 1981. The goal is to commit to peace above all differences. It is a day to recognize efforts made to end conflict. We will recognize International Peace Day with several activities during the school day. A morning announcement will be made to explain the purpose of International Peace Day to students, social studies teachers will be completing a lesson around the topic of Peace, and students will create a mosaic in Art classes.

Start With Hello Week

Monday, September 21 – Friday, September 25
Start With Hello Week teaches students the skills needed to recognize others that are isolated and how to reach out and help. Start With Hello is an important social and emotional learning program to reintroduce students to the power of connecting and helping one another. The program is part of the Sandy Hook Promise. Throughout the week students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to promote the ideals of the Sandy Hook Promise.
Daily messages on morning announcements promoting Start With Hello Week.
Wear Green Day on Wednesday, September 23 to support the Sandy Hook Promise.
Random Acts of Kindness Day on Friday, September 25. Students will participate in classroom activities to promote kindness at school and home.
-Cool to be Kind lesson with Mrs. Johnston during Integrated Technology class.
-Guidance Lesson with Mrs. Friedman focusing on Empathy.

Arrival Procedure Update

In order to avoid traffic backing up on Washington Street we are going to begin using two lanes of traffic as cars enter KIS by the playground in the morning. Please line up in two lanes, once directed to pull around to the front of the building for drop-off cars should alternate as they form one lane for drop-off. A few other reminders:
Doors will open at 8:23am. Please do not arrive for drop-off prior to 8:15am.
Students should be ready to exit the vehicle when directed.
Staff will help students cross the parking lot safely.
Please exit the KIS parking lot using the Snyder Rd. exit.

Attendance Update

All absences should be reported to the KIS main office daily by calling 440-543-9722.
Students attending in-person this semester can access their assignments while they are absent via their teacher’s Google Classroom. Teachers will work with students when they return from their absence to get them caught up just as they have in past years. Our in-person teachers are not set-up to connect virtually with students that are absent. Therefore, students that are absent will not be able to connect virtually for the day.


Matt Watts, Principal
Kenston Intermediate School