KIS Updates: 1/29/21

Dear Kenston Intermediate School Families,

It is hard to believe that the month of January is behind us. We are several weeks into our third grading period and second quarter report cards were posted to Infinite Campus earlier this week. Our teachers are continuing to provide engaging and innovative learning activities for students learning in-person and those learning remotely.

During the month of February KIS will emphasize the PEAK Character Trait of Compassion along with celebrating Black History Month. Throughout the month teachers and staff will help students make connections through their learning that highlight the accomplishments and culture of African Americans throughout history and in our current time. Also, the PTO sponsored Bonding Hearts service project will help students show compassion in a tangible way by creating small hearts to share with families of premature babies.

Please take a few minutes to find out more about upcoming events and activities taking place during the month of February.

All the best,

Matt Watts

4th Grade – CogAT Testing
Students in grade 4 will take the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) in their classrooms on February 2-4.

Virtual students will be taking the CogAT at KIS on February 3rd. Families of virtual students were notified via email of their assigned testing time.

Please be sure that students get a good night sleep and something nutritious prior to testing each day.

VALENTINES Service Project
PTO Sponsored Bonding Hearts Valentine Service Project and Classroom Parties will take place on Friday, February 12th.

Students will be assembling “Bonding Hearts” that will be shared with families with babies in the NICU through the Potato Head Project. Please see the link below for more information from the KIS PTO.

Students may bring completed Valentines for their classmates on Friday, February 5th. The Valentines will be organized and left in the classroom until classroom parties on Friday, February 12th.

PTO will provide individually wrapped snacks and materials for the service project for students to enjoy in their classroom under the supervision of their homeroom teacher.

Bonding Hearts Service Project Information

4th Grade – IOWA Testing
Students in grade 4 will take the IOWA Test of Basic Skills in their classrooms February 23-25.

Virtual students and families will be notified prior to testing of their scheduled date and time for IOWA testing.

Teachers and staff will be reinforcing the PEAK Trait of Compassion during the month of February. Students displaying this important trait throughout the month may be nominated by their teacher to be recognized as a PEAK Student of the Month.