High School

Clubs & Activities

Clubs and Activities

Clubs and organizations available to Kenston High School students offer opportunities for pursuing special interests for learning to work with others, and for forming friendships. Each student is strongly encouraged to learn about the programs of the different clubs and organizations and to participate in those in which he/she feels an interest, remembering that participation is a privilege. Students interested should contact the activity advisor. Student eligibility and school rules will apply to all activities, clubs and school sponsored events.

Academic Competition (Trivia Club)

A team of students represent KHS and compete in contests of wits and intellect against students from other schools. This is or anyone with an expansive collection of useless trivia or fairly intelligent.

Advisor: Mr. Greg Koltas

Band - Marching Band / Concert Band

Marching Band / Concert Band is an elective course receiving 1.5 credits that meets five days a week for the entire year. The band performs at football games, concerts, public events and contests. For admission into band, students must demonstrate for the Band Director the following: musicianship, sight-reading skills, and proficiency on their instrument. Please note: Band meets after school the first semester and during the lunch block second semester.

Advisor: Mr. Jeff Link

Music Department


Bocce Ball Club

Kenston Underground Bocce Ball League is open to all students interested in the sport of Bocce. The club plays in the fall through October and again in the spring beginning in April as well as an occasional winter tournament. The club is run through Kenston Community Education.

Advisor: Mr. Rob Segulin


The Bomberettes are a group of dedicated girls who join together to perform extensive jazz, kick, and pom routines. In the fall, the group marches with the band to entertain the crowds at the football games. They also perform during half-time at some basketball games and compete in local and state competitions. Bomberettes participate with the marching band; attend marching band and drill team camps, invitationals, and small workshops.

Advisor: Mrs. Jasmine Hill

Bomber Bash

Advisor: Mrs. Marcy Gurd

Bomber Media

Bomber Media is the journalism and media production program at KHS. Students produce written, video, animated, and audio work to be published on social media and the school website. Interested students can sign up for either Multimedia Journalism or Digital Media or contact the advisor for other opportunities.

Advisor: Mr. Ryan Novak


Creating Exceptional Character (CEC) Club

The CEC is an inclusive club designed to build meaningful relationships and foster acceptance with peers. Students will engage in activities that promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Advisor: Mrs. Amanda Phipps

Diversity Club

This club is for students who value diversity and wish to promote understanding among various groups of students. This club has two subgroups: Cultures Without Borders for minorities, immigrants, first-generation students, and anyone else who is interested in different cultures and SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) for LGBTQ students and their allies.

Advisor: Mrs. Deb Kramer


Envirothon is a service club interested in improving the environment. They compete against other Envirothon clubs, take field trips, listen to speakers and participate in volunteer service projects.

Advisor: Mrs. Jamie Moone

French Club

This club is designed to promote increased awareness of the French culture and use of the French language through various activities.

Advisor: Mrs. Brenda Wahl

Giving Garden Club

Garden Club in 2019 as a way to encourage environmental consciousness and nature appreciation in the community. The club cares for the garden beds located just outside the science wing on the hill from April to October and donates the produce grown to food pantries in the area. Additionally, club members volunteer for local organizations, including helping harvest plants from surrounding farms.

Advisor: Mr. Terry Markoff 


Interact is a school- and Rotary-sponsored service club for students in grades 9-12. The club is a volunteer organization in the business of helping people. The Kenston Interact Club carries out two service projects yearly. One project serves the school, and another serves the community. Each year the Interact Club awards scholarships to worthy seniors.

Advisor: Mr. Tom Gabram


Janus is an annual publication of students’ written and visual creativity. The work can be prose, poetry, or artistic designs. Anyone is eligible to submit work for this publication.

Advisor: Mr. Tony Marchesi

Math Club

The Math Club was developed to expand and encourage student exposure to Mathematics. Math Club activities include guest speakers in mathematics and engineering, field trips exploring math and science careers, and numerous math and engineering contests and competitions.

Advisor: Mr. Greg Koltas

Mock Trial

Mock trial is an academic competition against other high schools where students portray an attorney or witness and participate in a simulated trial in real courtrooms. The trials are scored by panels of lawyers and judges. The competition is on a Friday in January, and practice begins in October.

Advisor: Mr. Stephan Voudris

Mock Trial

National Honor Society

National Honor Society is a select organization made up of exemplary juniors and seniors who are involved in school activities and community service, while maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Eligible students are interviewed and selected by the five-member NHS Faculty Council. The organization prides itself on the four qualities of Leadership, Service, Scholarship and Character. They sponsor the KHS Variety Show to raise funds for annual service projects including ushering and assisting at school-related events and activities, graduation, open house, orientation night, fund-raising and other service-oriented events.

Advisor: Mr. Terry Markoff

Selection Process

Political Action Committee of Kenston (PACK)

A nonpartisan political discussion group, students discuss political issues, both domestic and international, promote participation in the political process, register voters, and hold fundraisers to benefit local groups.


Russian Club

This club is designed to promote increased awareness of the Russian culture and use of the Russian language through various activities.

Advisor: Mr. Ted Krejsa

Science Olympiad Team

A national nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science, and providing recognition of outstanding achievement in science. Students participate in interscholastic competitions, both individual and team events.

Advisor: Dr. Maggie Colicchio

Spanish Club

This club is designed to promote increased awareness of the Hispanic culture and use of the Spanish language through various activities including: viewing authentic media, discussing relevant social issues, conversing in the target language, experiencing the culture first-hand, fund-raising, and providing peer tutoring.

Advisor: Ms. Kim Scola

Speech and Debate

Speech and debate is an academic competition against other high schools on Saturdays from late October to early March. Students improve their speaking skills by competing in events including debate, student congress, acting, extemporaneous speaking about current events, and original speech writing.

Advisor: Mr. Stephan Voudris

Speech and Debate

Student Council

Student Council consists of ten (10) general members elected from each class. To become a member, complete a general membership petition. Officers are elected each spring from the current membership.

Advisor: Ms. Megan Valenti

Student Voices for Social Justice

The Student Voices for Social Justice is a group of diverse KHS students who come together to ensure the KHS community is a place where everyone feels valued. Our motto: Equality for all, a Voice for all. We connect with other Kenston schools as well as groups outside our district through a variety of activities.

Advisor: Mrs. Bev Buettner

Unicycle Club

Kenston Underground Unicycle League is open to all students who want to test their abilities to balance while having fun! All skill levels of riders are wecolme, from never ridden to professional carney. Try something new and have a good laugh. The club meets in the fall through October and again in the spring beginning in April. It is run through Kenston Community Education.

Advisor: Mr. Rob Segulin


Interested students register for Yearbook production as a class during the school day for the entire year and receive 1.0 credit. The faculty advisor and student co-editors coordinate the writing and editing of a priceless book of memories. Students should contact the advisor for membership opportunities.

Advisor: Mr. Justin Fodor