Special Senior performance of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

Auburn and Bainbridge Township residents over the age of 60 are invited to a special S’MORE (Senior Moments of Rockin’ Entertainment) dress rehearsal performance of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) on Wednesday, November 9 at 5pm.  A soup and sandwich dinner will be served.  Make your reservations today.

Can a small group of Kenston High School students really cover thirty-seven Shakespeare plays in less than two hours? This fast-firing comedy does just that as it parodies all of the Shakespeare plays (plus the sonnets!) in two acts. This show is full of energy as the characters run across the stage and keep you guessing how they will pull off the next play. It starts with an eccentric version of Romeo and Juliet, followed by a parody of Titus Andronicus (which is portrayed as a cooking show), and all the comedies rolled into one. Then members of the troop compete in a hilarious football game that summarizes the histories (King JohnRichard IIRichard IIIHenry IV, etc), complete with commentary and details of each character’s rise and fall from power. After the intermission, the actors then perform a very abbreviated version of Hamlet (with a little help from the audience), thus “completing” the canon in only an hour and a half!