Professional Learning

Dr. Katie Poe, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, shared with the Board, professional learning activities that took place in preparation for the new school year.
The Administrative Team met and reviewed state test data. They learned about updates to the Ohio Department of Education platform used to share test results. The new Central Reporting System has added some beneficial features that allow teachers and principals to view building and student-level data, historical and predictive trends, items and standards where students did well, and areas teams will target in their upcoming collaborative meetings. The Education Service Center of Northeast Ohio facilitated the session.
Administrators also continued their learning of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) and worked to align our practices for goal setting, conducting observations, conferencing with teachers, and reviewing what constitutes high-quality student data, a new requirement in the OTES process.
New staff attended Bomber Flight School. In the day-long session, they covered topics such as:
  • Expectations for academic rigor and strategies to engage our learners.
  • Supporting a culture of relationship-building and caring for our learners.
  • Guidelines for social media and professional practices.
  • Descriptions of safety and security protocols.
  • Professional licensing and ongoing professional learning.
After Convocation, the day was dedicated to educator professional development with 13 presenters and 32 sessions offered to meet and discuss topics and material that will best support student learning.