At the April 2023 Board of Education meeting, Mr. Sayers announced plans for moving forward with a 1.35 mill Permanent Improvement (PI) Levy on the November 2023 ballot. The Board will begin the process by placing the first of two actions on the agenda for the May 2023 Regular meeting and again at the June 2023 Regular meeting.

PI Levy Facts

  • PI funds can be used for items such as school buses, repairs to roofs and parking lots, boilers, safety and security upgrades, classroom furniture, technology upgrades and improvements, wireless upgrades, etc., that have a life span of five years or more.
  • Revenue from a PI Levy cannot be used for salaries, benefits, or the school district’s day-to-day operations.
  • Kenston is one of only 13% of school districts in Ohio that DOES NOT have a Permanent Improvement Levy to protect the communities’ investment in our school facilities.

We will continue providing information as the Board of Education progresses with this process.