Kenston Update

This is anything but a typical summer. The global pandemic has created many challenges and questions as we look to the start of school in August.
The question everyone is asking is, “What will school look like this year?” The short answer to this question is: We do not know for sure as we continue to await direction from Governor Mike DeWine and state health authorities.
That does not mean that we have not been working on a plan. We continue to work to understand our students’ needs by walking in their shoes as they go through a typical day. By looking at the day through a student’s eyes, we can truly understand the opportunities and risks for both our students and the adults who create and provide their educational experience. A task force of teachers, staff members and administrators are working on re-opening plans focused on Safety and Organization Protocols and Instructional Models.
In developing these plans, we are consulting local and national resources including, receiving guidance from the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, Geauga County Health Commissioner, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio (ESC-NEO).
The Kenston Community is supportive and resilient. By working together, we will overcome the challenges that we will face as this school year unfolds. We will continue to communicate as additional information becomes available.
Nancy R. Santilli
Superintendent of Schools