Samantha Stefancin’s Graduation Speech

May 24, 2022


Samantha StefancinWelcome graduates, parents, teachers, administrators, and other guests to the graduation ceremony of the Kenston High School Class of 2022.

2022: I never thought this year would come. Many of the students graduating today have been at Kenston since kindergarten. Although I have not, I am certain that we all share similar beginnings.

lived in Indiana for my first few years of schooling and then moved to Ohio. We all went through kindergarten orientation night where we got to ride the bus, meet the teacher, see the classroom, the cafeteria, and the playground. No matter where you were we all started the same I am sure we all received a t-shirt, which said “Class of 2022”. That year seemed almost impossible back then.

But here we are today in the year 2022 graduating high school, 12 years after receiving that t-shirt.

Samantha StefancinAs I drive around I see the “future bomber” signs with crazy years printed on them like 2034! This seems like it is lightyears away. Just thinking about all the work those kids will have to do to get to where we are all today makes me anxious. They still have to go through middle school… precalc, and geology no hate to all you geology people out there, you rock. Whether you have been here since kindergarten or been a bomber since fourth grade like I was, we can all agree that our time went very quickly.

Today, we are not getting t-shirts with our 12-year destination already decided. Today we are saying goodbye to what we have had to do and are saying hello to whatever we want to do. Many of us will go on to receive higher education, while others jump directly into the workforce, or join the armed forces. We are basically starting over and starting fresh. I am excited about our new experiences with new people. However, you are being thrown out into the world with little to no safety net to catch you. The only two things that I know to work for certain are hard work and honesty. I also want to share the best piece of advice I have ever received. It is, “be the best at the little things, so you have the opportunity to do the big things.” To me, this means hustling, getting things done on time, being positive, going the extra mile, being early, being efficient, and being effective. In the coming years, it could mean organizing your chem binder, going to the test prep, getting a planner AND actually using it, doing all your homework, writing the extra credit paper, and actually reading chapters in that book assigned for homework. All these little things anyone can do, but not many people actually do them. The little things could be the difference between getting the job or not, making a sale or not, saving a life or not, and so on.

Samantha StefancinI have found that life truly favors the bold. SO BE BOLD, in everything that you do. Never be afraid to take risks and try new things. The most dangerous thing to be is content. So, join the club, reach out to people, network and make connections. Do not leave high school or college wishing you had been a part of something that you were not, don’t be your own worst enemy. Never stop trying new things and pushing yourself to do more. One of my most vivid early Kenston memories is watching the cheerleaders at a Friday night game. I sat there and knew that I had to be down there. I am now a Kenston cheerleader alumni. Do not let laziness or even fear stop you from fulfilling what you want to do. When you are older and have more yesterdays than tomorrows you will never say “I wish I did less stuff in life.” I’m sorry I got a little bit deep there but we are living the best years of our lives right now. I see so much promise when I look around today, this class will change the world.

Samantha StefancinLastly, don’t forget where you came from, but take every opportunity to go that comes your way. This school and this community have shaped us into who we are. Use every piece of knowledge that you have received and go forth into the real world with it. Your next 12 years are not already written, so embrace change and find your dreams. Farwell Kenston High School.