Important Information about KIS

Wednesday March 18, 2020
Dear Parent(s),
As this transformation of living and learning continues to develop, I want to extend additional information regarding KIS’s response to the Governor’s order to close schools.  We continue to develop strategies and “norms” that will allow us continue to remain connected to you and your families.  If you were unable to pick up materials on Monday the 16th, please call the office as the buildings are now closed to all public.
Instructional Days
Below you will find letters from both the 4th and 5th grade teaching teams that were originally sent out this past Friday at 4:00pm.  Please refer to them as we move closer to our instructional days beginning on Monday, March 30.  Teachers are ready, willing and will be  supportive of your student(s) during this everchanging time.  Together, we will get through this!
Start Your Day With Mr. Fender
I will begin each weekday, including Spring Break, at 8:38am with a posting on our website for the students to watch.  We will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and will include other announcements that students might find entertaining.  Look for the button on our website titled-    Start your Day with Mr. Fender
A Thank You!
Finally, the KIS staff and I would like to thank you for your partnership, your dedication to the education of your child and for your support of Kenston Schools.  Together, we will make this experience as productive and comforting as we can for our students.  We recognize the anxieties that may arise for our students throughout this situation and are here to work with them, and you to get them through it.  Please email your student’s teacher with academic questions and or concerns and they will assist you in every way that they can.  We will get through this and we will continue to do what is best for our students at Kenston.
And always remember……Bombers Fly Together!  Be well Bomber Nation!

Adam Fender
Kenston Intermediate School