2020 Board of Education Organizational Meeting

At the January 13 Kenston Board of Education Organization Meeting, board members unanimously voted to re-elect Dr. Beth Krause as Board President and Mrs. Neysa Gaskins, J.D. as Board Vice President.  Re-elected, board members Mrs. Neysa Gaskins and Mr. Tom Manning took the Oath of Office for their new four-year term ending in 2023.  Other board members are Bill Timmons and Beth Ward.

Annually an Organization Meeting is held at the beginning of January.  During this meeting, the following business is addressed:

  • the Oath of Office is administered to newly-elected members,
  • Board President and Vice President are nominated and elected,
  • appointments are made to committees,
  • the schedule is set for the year,
  • legal counsel is appointed,
  • matters of general business addressed.

2020 Board committee representatives were unanimously named.
Finance:  Mr. Manning and Mrs. Ward
Policy:  Mrs. Gaskins
Superintendent Evaluation: Dr. Krause and Mr. Timmons
Treasurer Evaluation: Mr. Manning and Mrs. Ward
Kenston Citizens Advisory: Dr. Krause and Mr. Manning
Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) Legislative Liaison: Mrs. Gaskins
OSBA Student Achievement Liaison: Mr. Manning
OSBA Boards Conference delegate: Mrs. Gaskins / Alternate: Mrs. Ward

Board of Education meetings will be held on the following dates at 7pm (unless otherwise noted) at the Timmons Elementary School, 9595 E. Washington Street, Chagrin Falls, OH.

February 10, March 16, April 20, May 11, June 29, July 20, August 17, September 21, October 19, November 16, December 14 and January 11 (Organizational Meeting, 6:30 pm with Regular Meeting at 7pm).

Board Agendas and Minutes – Use the search feature in the upper right header.
Minutes are available after approval in the following month’s agenda, i.e. January’s minutes are posted in February.