KHS PTO Fundraising

Un-Fundraiser Logo


Don’t want to sell anything, bake anything, or buy anything? We feel the same way!!!

This year, we are OPTING OUT of traditional fundraising by requesting donations instead. By doing so, 100% of every dollar you give will go directly to funding PTO events and activities (when we sell something, PTO only keeps 30% – 50%). It’s quick, easy, and NO volunteer hours are required! Learn more >

Paypal Donation button

Retail Rewards

Help us improve student life at KHS!

Every year, we look for ways to increase revenue to improve student life at KHS.  By registering your retail card and specifying KHS, we can assist in making this happen!   Join us by registering with the following Retail Store Programs:

  • Heinen’s ABC School Donation Program
  • Giant Eagle Apples for Students
  • We are asking that everyone get involved by simply logging-in to the retailers’ web sites noted below.  KHS receives 1% back from all purchases!

Heinen’s ABC School Donation Program

(Participants need to re-register EVERY YEAR!)

  • Go to
  • If you have never registered:  Click on “Enroll in Program” and register your Tasteful Rewards Card number.
  • If you have already registered your Tasteful Rewards Card – simply login and go to “My Profile” to designate your school.
  • Find and Designate:  Ohio, Chagrin Falls, Kenston High School PTO
  • Choose “Click to Save Changes”

Participants without internet access can register by calling Heinen’s at 216-475-2300 ext. 2337.

Giant Eagle: Apples for Students

(Participants DO NOT need to re-register, but please confirm that KHS is your designated school.)

  • Go to
  • You must create an account if you have never registered your Giant Eagle Advantage Card.
  • If you have an account, sign-in and then click on Add Another School and type in the school ID 2429

Participants without internet access can register at 800-474-4777.

PTO Events