UPDATE: Plan to return KIS students to school

January 4, 2023

Dear Kenston Families,

I want to update you on our plans to return Kenston Intermediate School students to school as quickly and safely as possible. Last week, we presented you with a best-case scenario plan to address the burst pipes at KIS. Unfortunately, as anyone who has undergone a home renovation project, something invariably extends the project’s scope and timeline.

First, I want to share that students and staff will return to school on Monday, January 9, 2023. Fourth grade students and teachers will be housed at Timmons Elementary School, while 5th grade students will be at Kenston Middle School. While remote learning was discussed and considered, it was determined not to be the best course of action. We firmly believe that it is best educationally for students to learn in person with their teachers and classmates. Additional details will be shared with KIS families by the end of the week.

Second, we are committed to ensuring that Kenston Intermediate School is safe before anyone returns to the classroom. As we began the removal of the carpets as part of the restoration process, testing was done, and it was determined that there was asbestos in the floor tiles and adhesive. (Asbestos floor tiles and adhesive do not pose a health risk unless they are disturbed.) During this process, we are working with a licensed/accredited asbestos remediation expert and sealing off the affected area to prevent contamination of any other spaces. Once the abatement process is complete, the floors will be prepped for the installation of the new carpeting, new ceiling tiles will be installed, and all furniture will be returned to the classrooms.

Before returning students and staff to their classrooms, testing will be completed by a certified independent Industrial Hygienist to ensure a safe environment.

While this situation is not ideal, I have been exceptionally impressed with Kenston’s outstanding employees – from the maintenance team that jumped in to assist the restoration company, to our administrative team that has worked tirelessly and creatively to develop a plan to return students to school, to teachers and staff that are sharing and welcoming KIS students and staff into their buildings. I know that KIS faculty and staff will make the best of this situation and turn this challenge into a learning experience. Bombers, indeed, do fly together.

Again, I appreciate your support and understanding. Please get in touch with me if you have any questions. I will keep you updated as we progress with this project.

Steven A. Sayers