Superintendent Dr. Willingham and Billy the Bomber

Dr. Bruce Willingham

Superintendent of Schools

Welcome to Kenston Schools!

Dear Kenston Community,

I am honored and excited to join you as the new superintendent of the Kenston Schools. It is with great enthusiasm that I step into this role, eager to build on the strong foundation that has already been established. Together, we will strive to create an environment where every student feels valued, challenged, and supported. I am eager to begin our work together and am confident that, united in our efforts, we can achieve great things.

With sincere gratitude and anticipation,
Dr. Bruce Willingham

Board of Education Members

2024/25 Kenston Board of Education

Tom Manning, President
Beth Krause, Ph.D., Vice President
Dennis Bergansky
Jim Henry
Jennifer Troutman, J.D.