KIS Field Day and Masked Poet

Monday, April 27, 2020

KIS families,
I hope that this email finds you all doing very well.  Our staff continues to adjust, display flexibility and work hard to make this on-line learning beneficial for all students and families.  Together, our community has shown what it means to be a part of something special and we will continue to fly together.  Below, you will see information regarding KIS Virtual Field Day.  We look forward to participating in this National Event and encourage all of you to participate to the best of your ability.  On Friday May 8, our teachers will not be posting instruction, as they will be participating in the online Field Day event.  Therefore, “D” day will be moved from Friday, May 8 to Monday, May 11.  If you have any questions regarding Field Day, please email your homeroom teacher and/or our Physical Education Teacher,  Also, I have provided you with information regarding our “Masked Poet” event that began this past Friday.  We hope that you can participate and guess a few of our staff members correctly.  Good luck and have fun!!
KIS Field Day
Masked Poet
The KIS staff is excited for you to participate in this with us, as we have had a lot of fun making this for you!  You will also see a link with an answer document for you to keep track of your guess as to the identity of each Masked Poet. We will be revealing 3 poets each day for the next several days on our morning announcements.

Link to Masked Poets

Masked Poet Answer Sheet –  It will ask you to make a copy, you click “Make a Copy”

Have Fun and Be well Bomber Nation!

Adam Fender
Kenston Intermediate School