Board of Education Holds Annual Organizational Meeting

The Kenston Board of Education held its annual organizational meeting on January 11. All school boards in Ohio are required to hold this meeting within the first 15 days of the month.

The board members voted to unanimously approve Beth Krause, Ph.D. and Neysa Gaskins, JD as president and vice president, respectively. 

In addition to officer elections, the board also appointed liaisons to the following positions:

Finance Committee:  Tom Manning and Beth Ward

Policy Committee: Neysa Gaskins, JD

Superintendent Evaluation: Beth Krause, Ph.D. and Bill Timmons

Treasurer Evaluation:  Tom Manning and Beth Ward

Kenston Citizens Advisory: Tom Manning

Ohio School Board Association (OSBA) Legislative Liason: Neysa Gaskins, JD

OSBA Student Achievement Liaison: Beth Ward

OSBA Conference Delegate: Neysa Gaskins, JD  Alternate: Beth Krause, Ph.D.

Meeting dates were also set for 2021. The board will continue to hold both a regular meeting and work session during most months. The meeting schedule can be found on the district website.