Timmons Elementary

Resource Scheduling

Scheduling Meeting Rooms & Labs @ TES

To schedule a room or chromebook cart for use at TES, you will need to schedule the resource using your Google Calendar. Simply create an event, and invite the resource to book a room or cart.

What is a Resource Calendar?

A calendar resource is anything you schedule that isn’t an event. The most common example is a meeting room. Other examples might include projectors, company fleet cars, guest offices, recreation equipment, or any other resource that the people in your organization might schedule a time to use.

Adding Resources to a Calendar Event

When you add a meeting room or other resource to an event, it’s booked for your meeting only, so other people in your organization can’t book it during that time.

Booking Resources

Before you book / schedule a resource, check to make sure it’s available. Use the links on the left hand side to check the resource calendar for a specific room or cart, and if it’s available when you need it, invite the resource to the event to book it for your use. Follow the steps below to add a resource to an event.

Check the resource calendars here. You must be logged into your @Kenstonapps.org account to view the resource calendars.

How to add a resource to an event

  1. Sign in to your Google Calendar.
  2. If this is a new meeting, click a time in your calendar, and then click Edit event.
  3. If this is an existing meeting, click the name of the meeting in your calendar.
  4. On the right side of the event where you add guests, click the Rooms, etc. link.
  5. Scroll through the list of resources to find the one you want.
  6. The resource is added to the Where section in the Event details tab, and to the participants list in the Find a time tab. It is also listed in the Guests list.
  7. If you need to remove a resource you just added, find the resource in the Guests list and click the X beside it.
  8. Click Save.

Chromebook Carts 1-4 and 10

Need Chromebooks for your class?

Carts 1-4 and 10 are located in the 2nd grade pod.  Please see Kelly Selby for keys.

Carts 1-4 and 10 calendar

Chromebook Carts 5-9

Need Chromebooks for your class?

Carts 5-9 are located in the 3rd grade pod.  Please see Kelly Selby for keys.

Chromebook Cart 11

Outdoor Classroom